Thursday, August 20, 2009

10 Days and Counting

Hola Readers,

I realize its been close to a week since I updated, and my only excuse is that I've been preparing for Alabama and spending as much time with friends as possible before school starts.

Just in case you don't know, I'm now in Webb, Alabama at New Freedom Church for a Brian and Jenn Johnson Conference. Chris Quilala will also be here, and I'm very excited to get to meet them and worship with them! Its going to be awesome. I'm still adjusting to the slight time change, but who's complaining....I get another hour to sleep. We stayed up until 1:30 (2:30 my time) last night talking about the Kingdom of God. I was privledged enough to just sit and bask in the incredible revelation of the people I was talking with. They really know the Kingdom.... which, in case you haven't noticed, has been the theme of my life since June. And it will be the theme for the rest of my life....because it's the King's domain, and thats where I belong.

Anyhow, it was somewhat difficult to get down here, but that's almost to be expected when something awesome is about to happen. I left my bible (major bummer), Dara left her flip-flops, Cliff left a few things.... some confusion. We picked up on it quickly and made sure it came to an end :) heh.

God has been continuing to reveal his Kingdom to me (shocker, I know). I told my Grandma and Mr. Larry this morning, ever since I got a hold of the Kingdom it has completely changed my life. Everything about it. I suppose you could say the most recent thing has been that the Kingdom is a culture of honor. It makes sense. God's expectations are excellence, and honor falls into that.

Well, I had more to say, but it's about time to go move into the activities of the day. I love these people!

Jesus loves you (that's from Dara),


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